
Media Releases

Media Brief – Contempt of Court Proceedings against Mr Alan Shadrake – Summary of Attorney-General’s Arguments

The contempt proceedings commenced by the Attorney-General against Mr Alan Shadrake in respect of his contemptuous statements in “Once a Jolly Hangman: Singapore justice in the dock” (“the Book”) were heard in open court by the Honourable Justice Quentin Loh on 18, 19 and 20 October 2010. The Attorney-General presented arguments in support of the contempt proceedings against Mr Shadrake on the morning of 18 October 2010. Thereafter, counsel for Mr Shadrake, Mr M Ravi, responded with his arguments and concluded in the afternoon of 19 October 2010. On 20 October 2010, the Attorney-General replied to Mr Ravi’s arguments. The Attorney-General’s arguments and reply dealt with the following issues: (a) Policy underlying contempt proceedings; (b) Appropriate legal test for contempt by scandalising the court; (c) Scope of fair criticism; and (d) Import of the offending 14 Statements.

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Last updated / reviewed on 20 Oct 2010