Our Roles

Overview of Functions


The Attorney-General plays the key role as the Public Prosecutor.

  • Under Article 35(8) of the Constitution, the Attorney-General has powers to institute, conduct or discontinue any proceedings for any offence.
  • Section 11 of the Criminal Procedure Code 2010 provides that the Attorney-General shall be the Public Prosecutor, with control and direction of all criminal prosecutions and proceedings.

Officers of the Crime Division act as Deputy Public Prosecutors (DPPs) and Assistant Public Prosecutors (APPs) under the authority of the Public Prosecutor. The Crime Division is responsible for all criminal prosecutions. These include:

  • evaluating evidence secured by law enforcement agencies to assess whether an offence is disclosed
  • prosecuting offences in the State Courts and High Court of Singapore
  • evaluating requests for fiats for private prosecutions
  • supervising prosecutions conducted by other Government departments and agencies
  • conducting criminal appeals and ancillary hearings (such as Criminal Revisions, Criminal Motions, Criminal References and Originating Summonses) in the Court of Appeal and the High Court
  • being involved in making and processing requests for extradition and mutual legal assistance
  • participating in bilateral, regional and international meetings on cross-border crimes
  • rendering advice to law enforcement agencies on criminal matters
  • collaborating with Ministries on legal reform efforts, including providing inputs on draft legislation relating to criminal matters
  • dealing with matters under the Criminal Law Temporary Provisions Act
  • advising the Police on Police disciplinary proceedings
  • dealing with applications for judicial reviews in connection with criminal matters
  • advising on clemency petitions made to the President
  • dealing with matters under the Visiting Forces Act.

As the Attorney-General's Chambers are the legal advisers to the Government, we cannot provide legal advice to members of the public, including complainants, crime victims and accused persons. Should you require independent legal advice, you may wish to refer to the website of the Law Society of Singapore www.lawsociety.org.sg which provides a list of law firms in Singapore.