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Lianhe Zaobao article “提早认罪可获从宽量刑”

Dec 4, 2018, 18:12 PM
AGC, Criminal Justice System, Charging, Plead Guilty
Lianhe Zaobao article “提早认罪可获从宽量刑”
The article clarifies some of the common questions which the public may have regarding criminal proceedings, specifically charging and plead guilty (PG) procedures.
Article Title : Lianhe Zaobao article “提早认罪可获从宽量刑”
Article Date : Jul 1, 2018, 16:00 PM
The article clarifies some of the common questions which the public may have regarding criminal proceedings, specifically charging and plead guilty (PG) procedures.

Click here to read more.
English translation available here.
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