
Media Releases

Mohammad Ashik Bin Aris

On August 17, the Court of Appeal chaired by Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong and including Justice Andrew Phang and Justice V K Rajah, dismissed the appeal against conviction for the case Mohammad Ashik Bin Aris, known as the “urine test case”, after hearing arguments from both prosecution and Defence Counsel. Grounds of decision will be issued at a later date. This case is important because it resolves the issue of what is required in testing of urine for cases of drug consumption. In the case of Lim Boon Keong v PP [2010] 4 SLR 451, questions had been raised by the High Court over the urine adequacy of the testing regime in place at the Health Sciences Authority and whether this regime met the requirements of the Misuse of Drugs Act. The Court of Appeal’s decision in Mohammad Ashik bin Aris puts to rest any such doubts about the adequacy of the regime.

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Last updated / reviewed on 20 Aug 2011