
Media Releases

Media Release - AGC, CAD and MAS take action against Goldman Sachs (Singapore) Pte. on 1MDB bond offerings

Singapore, 23 October 2020. The Goldman Sachs Group Inc (“GSG”) has entered into a Deferred Prosecution Agreement (“DPA”) with the Department of Justice of the United States of America. The DPA provides for a global resolution, led by the US Department of Justice and discussed with, inter alia, Singapore, of GSG’s role in bond offerings related to 1Malaysia Development Berhad (“1MDB”). As part of the DPA, GSG and its affiliates will pay approximately US$2.3 billion to the US authorities. Goldman Sachs Singapore Pte (“GSSP”) will pay US$122 million to the Singapore Government for its role in the 1MDB bond offerings.

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Last updated / reviewed on 23 Oct 2020