

Speech by Deputy Attorney-General Ang Cheng Hock S.C. at the 28th International Association of Prosecutors Annual Conference

Distinguished speakers, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. 

In 2021, around US$55.3 billion was lost to scams worldwide.  This is a 15.7% increase from the number in 2020, which itself was an eye-watering figure of US$47.8 billion.  

Like the rest of the world, Singapore has not been spared. We have seen an acute and worrying upward trend in the number of scam cases and the amount lost to scams. In 2022, there were 31,728 scam reports in Singapore, and S$660.7 million (approx. US$485 million) lost to scams.  These numbers are at all-time highs, and are also significant increases from the numbers in the preceding years.

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Last updated / reviewed on 9 Oct 2023